171 private links
A community making great, flexible, user-friendly manuals together.
We create booklets, course materials and manuals for creative, cultural and campaigning uses of Free Software.
Apache Lounge is all about the Apache Web Server provided by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) HTTPD Server Project. Apache Lounge has provided up-to-date Windows binaries and popular third-party modules for more than 15 years. We have hundreds of thousands of satisfied users: small and big companies as well as home users.
Les logiciels libres ont aujourd'hui un rôle important dans le monde de la recherche scientifique. Dans le monde de l'entreprise et des administrations, ils tiennent une place de plus en plus importante. Cependant, leur diffusion sous des licences d'origine américaine comme la GNU GPL pose certaines questions de droit, engendrant des incertitudes qui peuvent dissuader des entreprises ou des organisations d'utiliser ou d'apporter leurs contributions aux logiciels libres.
Le CEA, le CNRS et Inria ont ainsi élaboré CeCILL, la première licence qui définit dans ce cadre les principes d'utilisation et de diffusion des logiciels libres tout en restant dans l'esprit de la GNU GPL.
"Software that Works for Locksmiths"
This website contains a collection of my opinions, photos and, more usefully, a bunch of open source software. Mostly I write about software and my experience creating and distributing it.
Here are my most recently updated / published work:
Server side spam filtering An updated guide to getting seamless server side spam filtering using bogofilter
Web Journal My weblog/online journal
Go Techniques Some techniques I've learned for writing in Golang
Forest Bus A distributed message bus / commit log for Go, Java and Python
SimpleTAL A standalone Python HTML & XML template library
PubTal The software used to maintain OwlFish.com - builds HTML pages from text files
Additionally I've also published ExpenseClam, an Expense tracking application for Android, on Google Play.
At its core, the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE™) is a list of software weaknesses types. Creating the list is a community initiative aimed at creating specific and succinct definitions for each common weakness type. By leveraging the widest possible group of interests and talents, the hope is to ensure that item in the list is adequately described and differentiated.he community using this information.
The main purpose of the site is to promote "slightly skeptical" approach to IT, to stimulate critical thinking about system administration and software development as professions. To increase resistance to media brainwashing. Skepticism is generally any questioning attitude towards knowledge, facts, or opinions/beliefs stated as facts, or doubt regarding claims that are taken for granted elsewhere.
Adhering to a set of 10 verifiable coding rules can make the analysis of critical software components more reliable.
Gerard J. Holzmann
NASA/JPL Laboratory for Reliable Software
Hello There!
I'm MrCeri, a software developer from Cardiff, UK.
This is my website where I share the free software that I build, and ramble about my geeky interests on my blog.
find out more...
TecAdmin.net is a blog was started on Feb 07, 2013 by Rahul Kumar. This was started with the goal of providing easy how to guides for Linux/Windows system administrators. We are always trying to provides high quality articles which would be easy to learn.
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