171 private links
If the other solutions listed above won't work, then try the Emergency Password Reset Script. It is not a Plugin. It is a PHP script.
The PowerShell execution policy is the setting that determines which type of PowerShell scripts (if any) can be run on the system. By default it is set to “Restricted“, which basically means none. However, it’s important to understand that the setting was never meant to be a security control.
Je viens du monde UNIX, monde que je fréquente depuis 1987. J'ai installé mon premier PC sous linux en mars 1994. Une bonne vieille slackware! C'est dire si c'est vieux!
Vous n'allez pas découvrir comment installé linux ou les derniers potins mondains concernant ce système. D'autres sites le font très bien.
Ce site est destiné à vous fournir des trucs et des astuces, des conseils sur et autour d'AIX et éventuellement de Linux et des produits que professionnels que l'on peut trouver (CFT, MQSeries, TWS ..).
Les informations que vous ne trouverez ici, sont synthétiques. C'est une orientation que je donne volontairement. L'objectif de ce site est destiné à faire gagner du temps.
How to display an RSS feed with a single PHP function? The URL of the file may be
- local, in the form: rss.xml, or
- distant in the form: http://www.scriptol.com/rss.xml.
There is only one difference, if the filename has the ".php" extension when it is generated by a CMS or such software, locally the file is processed by the server as a text file while remotely it is processed as a script. There is no difference if the extension is ".xml".
The script is compatible with:
- RSS 2.0 (that is compatible with 0.91, 0.92 etc.)
- RSS RDF or RSS 1.0.
Actually the script extracts the title, link and description tags and ignores the format of structure of the document.
The benefit of PHP to display an RSS feed is that it will be visible by search engines.
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sslh accepts connections on specified ports, and forwards them further based on tests performed on the first data packet sent by the remote client.