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Data To Fish was born in an effort to facilitate the application of data science using various tools such as Python, R, Julia and SQL.
We are passionate about data, and strive to provide you the most up-to-date and accurate information about common data-related problems.
The content provided on this website is constantly reviewed. Yet, if you do come across any errors in the content, please feel free to reach us at datatofish@gmail.com. Please note that due to the high volume of requests, we can no longer accommodate personal requests of code reviews. Please also refrain from including any email attachments.
A big part of machine learning is classification — we want to know what class (a.k.a. group) an observation belongs to. The ability to precisely classify observations is extremely valuable for various business applications like predicting whether a particular user will buy a product or forecasting whether a given loan will default or not.
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View the Loubat Codices in the Ancient Americas Codex Viewer
Teacher resources and professional development across the curriculum
Moteur de recherche des thèses de doctorat françaises, le site theses.fr a pour objet de donner sur le web un point d’entrée :
à toutes les thèses de doctorat en cours de préparation en France
à toutes les thèses de doctorat soutenues en France, quel que soit le support matériel de la thèse (document papier, numérique, édition commerciale…)
aux personnes et organismes en lien avec ces thèses.
Kaggle has a huge community of data scientists who come to compete in machine learning competitions. In our next chapter, we're building a platform that allows data scientists to share and collaborate as well as compete. We need your help.
Technologue pro est un site éducatif collaboratif tunisien qui donne des cours en ligne gratuit, créé par des enseignants technologues aux instituts supérieurs des études technologiques (ISET), le site propose des ressources pédagogiques pour l'enseignement technologique et professionnel en Tunisie et offre plus de 150 cours en génie électrique et informatique, une base de données contenant plusieurs projets fin d'études et plusieurs autres modules pédagogiques.
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