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Kifarunix is blog dedicated to providing tips, tricks and HowTos for Nix enthusiasts; Command cheat sheets, monitoring, server configurations, virtualization, systems security, networking…the whole FOSS technologies. The major aim of all this is to share our Nix skills and knowledge with anyone who is interested especially the upcoming system admins. Stay connected and let us grow together.
LTB project is a compilation of tools for LDAP administrators, to ease their rough life:
Monitoring: Nagios and Cacti scripts
OpenLDAP packaging and extensions
Scripting: LDAP massive batch operations
Self Service Password: Web interface to change password
White Pages: Web interface to browse entries
Service Desk: Web interface to check, unlock and reset passwords
Setting up a PI 3 for Docker is already described in several posts on the great wide internet. Below I will describe the method I used including the links for that. No need to reinvent the wheel now is there!
LIRC is a package that allows you to decode and send infra-red signals of many (but not all) commonly used remote controls.
Recent linux kernels makes it possible to use some IR remote controls as regular input devices. Sometimes this makes LIRC redundant. However, LIRC offers more flexibility and functionality and is still the right tool in a lot of scenarios.
The most important part of LIRC is the lircd daemon which decodes IR signals received by the device drivers and provides the information on a socket. It also accepts commands for IR signals to be sent if the hardware supports this.
The user space applications allows you to control your computer with your remote control. You can send X11 events to applications, start programs and much more on just one button press. The possible applications are obvious: Infra-red mouse, remote control for your TV tuner card or CD-ROM, shutdown by remote, program your VCR and/or satellite tuner with your computer, etc. Using lirc on Raspberry Pie is quite popular these days.
Application security is vitally important for every software project, especially so for security projects. This is why the validation process for QRadar app submissions go through a secure engineering review. As a member of the secure development team, this blog post will hopefully give you (the app developer) some insight regarding what to expect during our app validation process.
The goal of the Glasnost project is to make ISPs' traffic shaping policies transparent to their customers.
The main problem with an ESXi home lab running 7/7 is usually one factor – Power consumption as a primary ongoing cost. Especially when you run a lab with a several hosts. Additional factors like cooling or noise can be usually solved by moving the server(s) to the separate room with natural airflow, but the power consumption is something that you have to plan ahead and you’ll be dealing with during the lifetime of the lab. So in this post we’ll look at some possibilities to build an Energy Efficient ESXi Home Lab Host. The post is part of an article series starting here.
We ultimately architected UberEATS in much the same way as we would a regular React /Redux web app, eschewing iOS patterns and modules wherever possible. Fortunately for our needs and preferences, web concepts and technologies on the whole translate quite nicely to native development.
Learn how to interact with Azure services through code
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python.
Bien le bonsoir oiseaux de nuit ou de jour,
J’ai rassemblé des services pour le bonheur des personnes intéressées par l’informatique.
Voici les différents services proposés sur https://www.lagout.org , tous issus du libre :
Zerobin : Partagez vos textes ou codes de manière simple et sécurisée.
Documentation: Base de connaissances portant sur l'informatique
Lutim : Hébergeur d’images
Serveur IRC : Venez échanger sur nos différents salons
Jyrafeau : Hébergeur de fichiers temporaires
Si vous avez de la doc à partager, contactez moi, je me ferais un plaisir de l’ajouter !
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Merci de votre visite !
I work for OETIKER+PARTNER AG a consultancy company based in Olten, Switzerland. We use OpenSource Software extensively in all our projects. So I made it a habit to open source code we write whenever possible. Below is a list of notable projects I have created or been involved with over the years.
My name is Daniel, and I’m an information security practitioner and writer living in San Francisco, California. Most people come for my tutorials, my essays, or the podcast, but you can find some of my most popular content below.
Guides & How-To
[May 29, 2007] - A complete Guide to Ris & Linux - Still a work in progress but almost complete
Clear your cache before downloading the guide, look the date as reference
Ris for Linux Tools: ris-linux-0.4.tar.gz
A working tftpd/samba session log, check it against your own log if you get problems
WINPE RIS from Linux - How to setup a ris server to boot winpe from network
RIS for Linux - Install windows using ris, without having a window server (multiplatform)
BINL protocol explained - Work in progress, Binl protocol analysis
Sources hosted on:
The Open Book Project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topics. The advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web are making collaboration among educators on a global scale possible for the first time. We want to harness this exciting technology to promote learning and sharing.
Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another. Rosetta Code currently has 851 tasks, 203 draft tasks, and is aware of 658 languages, though we do not (and cannot) have solutions to every task in every language.
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