172 private links
MyPcapAnalyzer is a service that analyzes pcap files and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware detected by Intrution Detection Engines and other rulesets.
CellMapper is a crowd-sourced cellular tower and coverage mapping service.
We consolidate location and information of wireless networks world-wide to a central database, and have user-friendly desktop and web applications that can map, query and update the database via the web.
We currently accept files in any of:
DStumbler: text output
G-Mon: .kml, .txt output
inSSIDer: kml output
Kismac: native (.kismac), text, kml output
Kismet: .csv, .xml, .netxml, .gps, .gpsxml, .nettxt, CWGD output
MacStumbler: plist xml, wiscan format
NetStumbler: native (.ns1), text, wiscan, summary
Pocket Warrior: Text output
Wardrive-Android: kml output
WiFiFoFum: kml, kmz output
WiFi-Where: ns1, kml, csv output. Now available on Cydia (iphone/ipad jailbreak)
Wigle Wifi Wardriving: csv output
Consolidated.db: This is an sqlite file that is synced from an iphone/ipad to a host computer (prior to iOS 4.3.3).
The Network Situational Awareness (NetSA) group at CERT has developed and maintains a suite of open source tools for monitoring large-scale networks using flow data. These tools have grown out of the work of the AirCERT project, the SiLK project and the effort to integrate this work into a unified, standards-compliant flow collection and analysis platform.
If you are new to the NetSA Security Suite, start with this overview of the components that comprise the NetSA Security Suite and their inter-operation.
CERT is a part of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a federally funded research and development center (FFRDC) operated by Carnegie Mellon University.
What Really Happens On Your Network? Part Seven – Pi-hole®: A black hole for Internet advertisements
We’re back with the latest iteration of users discovering things on their network via Pi-hole. This post is a compilation of things users have discovered over the past year. Some were bad, some were interesting, and some were enlightening. This isn’t the first time we’ve written a post like this, but we will try to go into more detail about what people have discovered and group together similar discoveries. Below you’ll find previous renditions of this type of post.
Le Piratage du télégraphe Chappe est un détournement du réseau de télégraphie optique entrepris par deux hommes d'affaires bordelais, Louis et François Blanc, entre 1834 et 1836, afin de connaître avant tout le monde la clôture des cours de la rente à la Bourse de Paris.
Le piratage a été rendu possible par la corruption d'un agent télégraphique de Tours, qui ajoutait discrètement le chiffre du cours aux messages envoyés par l'État.
La divulgation de cette manœuvre a contribué au vote de la loi de 1837 sur le monopole public des communications télégraphiques. Il s'agit peut-être d'un des premiers cas de hacking, les frères Blanc exploitant une faille structurelle dans un réseau de télécommunication.
SANS Dashboard:
Network Activity; Offensive IPs; Ports by Unique Sources; Ports by Unique Targets; Ports by Total Activity; StormCast; Diaries; Lastest Vulnerabilities
Suricata is a free and open source, mature, fast and robust network threat detection engine. The Suricata engine is capable of real time intrusion detection (IDS), inline intrusion prevention (IPS), network security monitoring (NSM) and offline pcap processing.
Suricata inspects the network traffic using a powerful and extensive rules and signature language, and has powerful Lua scripting support for detection of complex threats. With standard input and output formats like YAML and JSON integrations with tools like existing SIEMs, Splunk, Logstash/Elasticsearch, Kibana, and other database become effortless. Suricata’s fast paced community driven development focuses on security, usability and efficiency.
The Suricata project and code is owned and supported by the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF), a non-profit foundation committed to ensuring Suricata’s development and sustained success as an open source project.
ECRYPT-CSA is a Coordination & Support Action funded by the European Union's H2020 programme. The project consists of four academic and one industrial partner.
ECRYPT-NET is a research network of six universities and two companies, as well as 7 associated companies, funded by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN (Integrated Training Network) grant.
Hurricane Electric operates its own global IPv4 and IPv6 network and is considered the largest IPv6 backbone in the world as measured by number of networks connected. Within its global network, Hurricane Electric is connected to over 150 major exchange points and exchanges traffic directly with more than 6,000 different networks. Employing a resilient fiber-optic topology, Hurricane Electric has no less than four redundant paths crossing North America, two separate paths between the U.S. and Europe, and rings in Europe and Asia. In addition to its vast global network, Hurricane Electric owns and operates two data centers in Fremont, California - including Hurricane Electric Fremont 2, its newest 200,000 square-foot facility. Hurricane Electric offers IPv4 and IPv6 transit solutions over the same connection. Connection speeds available include 100GE (100 gigabits/second), 10GE, and gigabit ethernet.
I am an independent security analyst providing cyber threat intelligence and network traffic associated with malware infections. I am located in the Albany, New York area.
All domains and URLs listed on this website should be considered as dangerous and could cause damage to your computer. We do not provide clickable active hyperlinks to these sites.
Use this website at your own risk!
This blog post looks at the final part of creating secure software: shipping it to users in a safe way. It explains how to use transport security and package signatures to achieve this goal.
Utilise la technique dite: "des réseaux bayesiens", décrit dans un article de Paul Graham.
Le filtre calcule des probabilités conditionnelles en fonction des informations observées (situées dans une base de données); chaque mot d'un message est évalué suivant les probabilités qu'il se trouve dans un message défini comme indésirable ou non.