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Since 2013, Backblaze has published statistics and insights based on the hard drives in our data center. You'll find links to those reports below. We also publish the data underlying these reports, so that anyone can reproduce them. You'll find an overview of this data and the download links further down this page.
We need to connect to the serial programming interface of the ESP8266 chip. This is done by connecting our serial-to-USB converter TX and RX pins to the ESP8266 RX and TX pins and powering the chip with the 3.3V and GND pins.
Syslog messages from transit network devices can provide insight into and context for security events that may not be available from other sources. This insight aids in determining the validity and extent of an incident. Within the context of a security incident, administrators can use syslog messages to understand communication relationships, timing, and, in some cases, the attacker's motives and/or tools. These events should be considered complementary and should be used in conjunction with other forms of network monitoring that may already be in place.
How can you determine the physical specifications of an appliance?
The main problem with an ESXi home lab running 7/7 is usually one factor – Power consumption as a primary ongoing cost. Especially when you run a lab with a several hosts. Additional factors like cooling or noise can be usually solved by moving the server(s) to the separate room with natural airflow, but the power consumption is something that you have to plan ahead and you’ll be dealing with during the lifetime of the lab. So in this post we’ll look at some possibilities to build an Energy Efficient ESXi Home Lab Host. The post is part of an article series starting here.