171 private links
Wikiscan is an independent statistics site on Wikipedia and other wikis hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. The site was created in 2011. The Wikimedia France association supports server hosting.
Wikiscan use public data published by the Wikimedia Foundation : replicas of Wikimedia databases on Tool Labs, pageview dataset, Mediawiki API.
New To Digital Currencies?
Like paper money and gold before it, bitcoin and ether allow parties to exchange value. Unlike their predecessors, they are digital and decentralized. For the first time in history, people can exchange value without intermediaries which translates to greater control of funds and lower fees.
This is software for producing a 2D animation.
It is based on the software "Toonz", which was developed by Digital Video S.p.A. in Italy, customized by Studio Ghibli, and has been used for creating its works for many years. Dwango launches this OpenToonz project, in cooperation with Digital Video and Studio Ghibli.
This software can be used by anyone free of charge, no matter whether the purpose of use is commercial or not.
This is available as an open source, so that users can modify its source code freely.
We aim to develop a new platform for connecting the academic research into frontline animation production.
We're trying to make Bulk Resize Photos the best image resizer.
Ce site et ses graphiques sont réalisés à partir de données issues de As24904 du Fournisseur d'accès internet K-Net.
Mes remerciements à Vivien & Lafibre.info, Jack pour leur collaboration.
Ce site utilise ChartJs pour générer les graphiques.
Contact, remarques, signalements de bugs: TiTiDu01, ou sur lafibre.info.
Search through 1,530,557 icons or browse 35,996 icon sets.
MakeHuman started life in 1999 as a Blender plugin named MakeHead, a plugin for procedurally creating head meshes. In 2000 the first version of MakeHuman was released. In 2005 it was turned into a stand alone application. Today we seem a major milestone release of MakeHuman 1.0.0!
Site francophone consacré à l'histoire des jeux vidéos
GameDev made easy...ish. Game programming starts here.
Tutorials for modern OpenGL (3.3+)
Nous sommes un petit studio indépendant de création de jeux vidéos. Outre des jeux, nous vous proposons aussi de nombreux tutoriels dont le but est de vous permettre, à vous aussi, de vous lancer dans l'aventure et de nous rejoindre ! Les tutoriels présents sur ce site sont parmi les plus ambitieux du web et si vous les suivez attentivement, vous serez vous aussi à la tête de votre premier projet de jeu dans très peu de temps.
I'm Loick Michard, a french software developer. Here are my projects.
My favorite fields are algorithmic, computer graphics and AI.
- C#
- DevScreen
- Ludum Dare
- Unity
SFML provides a simple interface to the various components of your PC, to ease the development of games and multimedia applications. It is composed of five modules: system, window, graphics, audio and network.