172 private links
Cette carte est un projet « béta » lié à une application métier dédiée aux agents de conduite et commerciaux des trains SNCF.
Elle est livrée sans garanties de fiabilité ou de mise à jour.
Les données présentées, en plus du fond de carte ©OpenStreetMap et ©OpenMapTiles, viennent de ©SNCF Réseau et toutes disponibles en opendata sur https://data.sncf.com.
De plus, quelques extras sont disponibles sur un dépôt github (notamment le GeoJSON des points kilométriques non distribué par SNCF Réseau).
Enfin, les pictos commencent à être disponibles sur un dépôt GitHub dédié également.
Pour plus d'informations sur la signalisation ferroviaire, consultez cet article très pédagogique sur le site de l'EPSF.
MarineTraffic is the world’s leading provider of ship tracking and maritime intelligence. We are dedicated to making actionable information easily accessible.
Find your device & driver
from a massive database of PCI and USB devices.
MyPcapAnalyzer is a service that analyzes pcap files and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware detected by Intrution Detection Engines and other rulesets.
IPv6 Uptake
IPv6 Users per AS
IPv6 Relative Performance
DNSSEC RSA Validation
DNS Resolver use
Users per AS
Online tool for Whois lookups
MQTT Explorer is a comprehensive MQTT client that provides a structured overview of your MQTT topics and makes working with devices/services on your broker dead-simple.
Apache Lounge is all about the Apache Web Server provided by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) HTTPD Server Project. Apache Lounge has provided up-to-date Windows binaries and popular third-party modules for more than 15 years. We have hundreds of thousands of satisfied users: small and big companies as well as home users.
Overviews of protocols involved in Internet of Things devices and applications. Help clarify with IoT layer technology stack graphics and head-to-head comparisons.
kernel 4.19.23
built with woofce using ubuntu 18.04 bionic beaver packages & various .pet packages.
All the usual packages (many updated)... palemoon, deadbeef, quickpet, pburn, jwm ,change_kernels, gnumeric, abiword, mpv, samba, jwmdesk, geany, simple screen recorder, mtpaint, dunst, transmission, pkg, uget, osmo etc.
Some new stuff ...
woodenshoe-wis rox filer. rox now has copy and paste!
compton compositor set up as default. adds subtle shadows to windows and menus.
matching JWM, GTK2 & GTK3 themes
claws-mail now has a tray icon.
steps findnrun now default in tray
rg66 & geoffreys tweaked retrovol
ffconvert swapped for qwinff
homebank is back.
sunfish chess
janky_BT bluetooth
gpick instead of gcolor
take a shot instead of screeny
Swiss File Knife - A Command Line Tools Collection
combines many functions in a single, portable executable that belongs onto every USB stick. Search and convert text files, instant simple FTP/HTTP server, find duplicate files, compare folders, treesize, run own commands on all files of a folder - it's all within a single tool.
Working on NT and Win2K means that executables and object files will many times have embedded UNICODE strings that you cannot easily see with a standard ASCII strings or grep programs. So we decided to roll our own. Strings just scans the file you pass it for UNICODE (or ASCII) strings of a default length of 3 or more UNICODE (or ASCII) characters. Note that it works under Windows 95 as well.
If the other solutions listed above won't work, then try the Emergency Password Reset Script. It is not a Plugin. It is a PHP script.
The goal of the Glasnost project is to make ISPs' traffic shaping policies transparent to their customers.
To test your htaccess rewrite rules, simply fill in the url that you're applying the rules to, place the contents of your htaccess on the larger input area and press "Test" button.
L'abandonware consiste à proposer en libre téléchargement d'anciens jeux qui ne sont plus disponibles dans le commerce à ce jour, et ce, depuis longtemps, et dont le service après-vente a été lui aussi abandonné
File tests each argument in an attempt to classify it. There are three sets of tests, performed in this order: filesystem tests, magic number tests, and language tests. The first test that succeeds causes the file type to be printed. The type printed will usually contain one of the words text (the file contains only printing characters and a few common control characters and is probably safe to read on an ASCII terminal), executable (the file contains the result of compiling a program in a form understandable to some UNIX kernel or another), or data meaning anything else (data is usually `binary' or non-printable). Exceptions are well-known file formats (core files, tar archives) that are known to contain binary data.
Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another. Rosetta Code currently has 898 tasks, 221 draft tasks, and is aware of 704 languages, though we do not (and cannot) have solutions to every task in every language.
We're the first company in Hackers & Founders startup accelerator and we love solving cross-browser testing problems!
glogg is a multi-platform GUI application to browse and search through long or complex log files. It is designed with programmers and system administrators in mind. glogg can be seen as a graphical, interactive combination of grep and less.