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A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python.
While focusing on network security monitoring, Bro provides a comprehensive platform for more general network traffic analysis as well. Well grounded in more than 15 years of research, Bro has successfully bridged the traditional gap between academia and operations since its inception. Today, it is relied upon operationally in particular by many scientific environments for securing their cyberinfrastructure. Bro's user community includes major universities, research labs, supercomputing centers, and open-science communities.
Sylius is the first eCommerce framework. Developed with the newest methodologies and using PHP and Symfony as a foundation. Discover how easy and pleasant it is to work with it. Just enjoy being a developer again.
API Platform Core is an easy to use and powerful library to create hypermedia-driven REST APIs. It is a component of the API Platform framework. It can be used standalone or with the Symfony framework (recommended).
It embraces JSON for Linked Data (JSON-LD) and Hydra Core Vocabulary web standards.
Build a working and fully-featured CRUD API in minutes. Leverage the awesome features of the tool to develop complex and high performance API-first projects.
If you are starting a new project, the easiest way to get API Platform up is to install the API Platform Standard Edition.
Discover the best practices that fit the philosophy of the framework as envisioned by its original creator Fabien Potencier. Learn a new pragmatic vision for Symfony application development and boost your productivity.
Le but de l’IILaR est de promouvoir la méthodologie de La RACHE. La RACHE, solution globale de génie logiciel, est un ensemble de techniques, de méthodes et de bonnes pratiques décrivant - des spécifications à la maintenance - comment produire du logiciel dans des conditions à peu près satisfaisantes et approximativement optimales.
Threat modeling is an approach for analyzing the security of an application. It is a structured approach that enables you to identify, quantify, and address the security risks associated with an application. Threat modeling is not an approach to reviewing code, but it does complement the security code review process. The inclusion of threat modeling in the SDLC can help to ensure that applications are being developed with security built-in from the very beginning.