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When combining the definitions of the bridge and things in one file, the system did behave quite strange. Things were not updated or I had to rename the broker. Accordingly I moved the definition of the bridge in a separate file.
At the moment i switch from Mqtt 1.x to Mqtt2.x binding and wonder why it get so complicated (to get fancy ui integration) and dont forward the clean&easy way.
The project SIEM Analytics is designed to assist professionals in choosing SIEM systems, to talk about the strengths and weaknesses of the most common SIEM systems, as well as to give a preliminary comparative analysis of SIEM systems.
Pour découvrir ce qu’est l’impression 3D, lisez notre page “pour les nuls” qui explique tout en détails et avec un glossaire pour maîtriser le vocabulaire.
Si vous avez décidé de vous lancer dans l’aventure du maker et que comme beaucoup, le nombre d’imprimantes 3D et de matériels connexes déjà disponible sur le marché rend difficile votre choix, notre comparateur devrait vous aider. Nous l’enrichissons en références régulièrement avec un maximum de caractéristiques pour chaque produit ainsi que les meilleurs vendeurs avec des prix mis à jour automatiquement.
Depuis presque 15 ans, Abandonware France propose l'une des plus grosses bases de données en Francais concernant les anciens jeux PC de 1980 à 1999.
L'équipe se décarcasse pour proposer le plus de nouveaux anciens jeux possibles, mais cela n'est pas toujours facile. D'où ce nouvel appel à l'aide.
Abandonware France proposera encore de nombreux jeux, manuels, vidéos... mais plus on est de fous, plus il y a de fiches et de jeux à télécharger.
The repository mainly contains Windows and Apple betas. These are the most popular files and are enjoyed by most of our members on the forum. We also have a games repository which has a huge selection of older and more modern game betas. We like to widen our scope a little bit too, so our repository stocks old abandonware classics from various consoles and computers from many years ago.
The OpenC2 Forum defines a language at a level of abstraction that will enable unambiguous command and control of cyber defense technologies. OpenC2 is broad enough to provide flexibility in the implementations of devices and accommodate future products and will have the precision necessary to achieve the desired effect.
FIRST brings together a variety of computer security incident response teams from government, commercial, and educational organizations. FIRST aims to foster cooperation and coordination in incident prevention, to stimulate rapid reaction to incidents, and to promote information sharing among members and the community at large.
Linux & SteamOS gaming news, help, wiki, forum, community
Hackademics : Forum de hacking – hackers white hat – cours de securite informatique, apprendre langage python, tutoriels de reverse engineering
A place to share practical knowledge
Evilzone - Hacking and Security Community