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Syslog messages from transit network devices can provide insight into and context for security events that may not be available from other sources. This insight aids in determining the validity and extent of an incident. Within the context of a security incident, administrators can use syslog messages to understand communication relationships, timing, and, in some cases, the attacker's motives and/or tools. These events should be considered complementary and should be used in conjunction with other forms of network monitoring that may already be in place.
Click a check mark in the following matrix to go to the log source that you're most interested in. For each log source, the relevant ATT&CK framework categories are listed. The Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge (ATT&CK) framework was developed by Mitre Corp.
Cisco Services for IPS protects and enhances the effectiveness of the Cisco Intrusion Prevention System. Supported by the Cisco Global Security Intelligence organization, Cisco Services for IPS delivers continuously updated, comprehensive, and accurate detection technology to identify and block fast-moving and emerging threats.
Here we try to bring the knowledge of Network Professionals everywhere together in one place. Although the site is Cisco centric we welcome all type of topics from Juniper to SDN!
Nous collaborons avec des centaines de revendeurs dans le monde, pour multiplier les opportunités commerciales qui s’offrent à eux en matière de cybersécurité et de réseau. Nous aidons nos partenaires à identifier de nouvelles sources de revenu au sein d’un marché technologique en forte mutation.