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Pour les gens n'étant pas familiers avec les sites de challenges, un site de challenges est un site proposant en particulier des problèmes relatifs à l'informatique. Il existe de nombreux types de challenges. Les plus communs sont les suivants : Cryptographie, Crackme, Stéganographie, Programmation, Logique et Maths/Science. La difficulté de ces épreuves varie de même.
Welcome to the 'Scan of the Month' challenge. The purpose of these challenges are to help the security community develop the forensic and analysis skills to decode real attacks. It can be difficult finding real attacks that you can analyze and share your results with the community. These challenges address that problem. This is done by taking attacks we have captured in the wild and challenging the security community to decode them. Unfortunately, due to resource limitations, we can no longer provide a new challenge every month.
Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems.
My name is Essa Alkuwari. I'm from Qatar. I rarely write in here. I play CTFs with DefConUA.
Currently studying BSCS in the U.S. and certified in the following courses: OSCE, OSCP, OSWP, Linux+, LPIC-{1,2}, Novell CLA, Novell DCTS, ..., and some other shit certs I can't even remember.