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A community making great, flexible, user-friendly manuals together.
We create booklets, course materials and manuals for creative, cultural and campaigning uses of Free Software.
We’ve compiled the best insights from subject matter experts and industry insiders for you in one place, so you can dive deep into the latest of what’s happening in the world of security.
This page lists some good books recommended by current and past students for a variety of subjects related to the degree. Feel free to add books as you read them if they are relevant!
Books for the Interested Reader
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The Open Book Project is aimed at the educational community and seeks to encourage and coordinate collaboration among students and teachers for the development of high quality, freely distributable textbooks and educational materials on a wide range of topics. The advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web are making collaboration among educators on a global scale possible for the first time. We want to harness this exciting technology to promote learning and sharing.
This collection is a presentation of fairly small Python programs. They are aimed at intermediate programmers; people who have studied Python and are fairly comfortable with basic recursion and object oriented techniques. Most programs are very short, not more than a couple of pages and all projects are accompanied with a write-up.
Discover the best practices that fit the philosophy of the framework as envisioned by its original creator Fabien Potencier. Learn a new pragmatic vision for Symfony application development and boost your productivity.
In this chapter, you learn about the following topics:
Fundamental concepts in network security, including identification of common vulnerabilities and threats, and mitigation strategies
Implementation of a security architecture using a lifecycle approach, including the phases of the process, their dependencies, and the importance of a sound security policy
This website is dedicated to internetworking documentation with FOSS.
It contains articles, guides, labs and presentations which can be used as
teaching or self learning material
As the documents have to be maintained over years, static web pages are the
most suitable way to publish them
The Companion to Media Studies and Digital Humanities is about researching media through new media: for example, playing games to better understand their politics and mechanics, exhibiting new media art to witness how people engage it, building stories to become more familiar with their structures and narratives, making wearable technologies to explore the overlaps between norms and fashion, or developing software to examine its relation to writing and literacy.