171 private links
Various Security Technical Implementation Guides
In this chapter, you learn about the following topics:
Fundamental concepts in network security, including identification of common vulnerabilities and threats, and mitigation strategies
Implementation of a security architecture using a lifecycle approach, including the phases of the process, their dependencies, and the importance of a sound security policy
This website is dedicated to internetworking documentation with FOSS.
It contains articles, guides, labs and presentations which can be used as
teaching or self learning material
As the documents have to be maintained over years, static web pages are the
most suitable way to publish them
Puppet 4.9 consists of:
A puppet-agent “All-in-One” package that installs Puppet, Ruby, Facter, Hiera, and supporting code.
A puppetserver package that installs Puppet Server.
A puppetdb package that installs PuppetDB.
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Vous voulez gagner du temps et économiser de l'argent sur vos charges réseaux?
Vous en avez marre de gaspiller des heures à configurer des outils open source et voulez enfin des tutoriaux clairs?
Si les réponses sont oui, ce site web est fait pour vous.
Les administrateurs informatique des laboratoires peuvent utiliser les ressources suivantes :
Calculateur de masque IPv4
MIB Discovery
DomDNS : The DNS manager
Here we try to bring the knowledge of Network Professionals everywhere together in one place. Although the site is Cisco centric we welcome all type of topics from Juniper to SDN!
Cheatsheets and other resources for Network protocols, applications, syntaxes...
French fork for Diaspora* network
Technical Documentation Help
You can find technical server know-how directly from the employees of Thomas-Krenn.AG in the Thomas-Krenn-Wiki. The articles range from instructions about installation and configuration, technical details and concrete solutions to specific problems.
This document describes the basic concepts of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol and provides a sample transaction and packet capture.
Dans bien des cas, il peut être intéressant de visualiser les échanges entre un client et un serveur à l’aide d’outils open source comme Wireshark qui permet de capturer le trafic réseau d’un ordinateur aussi bien sous Windows, Linux ou mac.
Nous collaborons avec des centaines de revendeurs dans le monde, pour multiplier les opportunités commerciales qui s’offrent à eux en matière de cybersécurité et de réseau. Nous aidons nos partenaires à identifier de nouvelles sources de revenu au sein d’un marché technologique en forte mutation.
Threat Research and Response
This site allows open source and commercial tools on any platform, except those tools that we maintain (such as the Nmap Security Scanner, Ncat network connector, and Nping packet manipulator).
Privacy / Security Projects
Evilzone - Hacking and Security Community