172 private links
PwnWiki.io is a collection TTPs (tools, tactics, and procedures) for what to do after access has been gained.
We want/need your help! Please contribute to this project is via GitHub (https://github.com/pwnwiki/pwnwiki.github.io). That allows us to get your project-ready content incorporated into the wiki fast.
Inj3ct0r is the ultimate database of exploits and vulnerabilities and a great resource for vulnerability researchers and security professionals.
Our aim is to collect exploits from submittals and various mailing lists and concentrate them in one, easy-to-navigate database.
This was written solely for educational purposes. Use it at your own risk. The author will be not responsible for any damage. // r0073r
La communauté FrameIP partage gratuitement ses documentations et codes source concernant le monde des réseaux TCPIP.
Visité par plus de 5000 personnes par jours, FrameIP.com nécessite un hébergement performant, une richesse des documentations et un entretient permanent.
Pour continuer à encore mieux partager, votre participation à la communauté sera la bienvenue.
Learn about the latest online threats.
Share and collaborate in developing threat intelligence.
Protect yourself and the community against today’s latest threats.
At the heart of Open Threat Exchange is the pulse, an investigation of an online threat. Pulses describe any type of online threat including malware, fraud campaigns, and even state sponsored hacking.
Pulses are comprised of indicators of compromise (or IoCs), which describe the infrastructure of that threat – including IPs, file hashes, e-mail addresses affiliated with the threat, etc.
This webpage is a free malware analysis service powered by Payload Security that detects and analyzes unknown threats using a unique Hybrid Analysis technology.
ThreatMiner is designed to be an analyst's first portal to visit when doing threat research and here's why.
Threat intelligence and intrusion analysts who regularly perform research into malware and network infrastructure often find the need to rely on mutliple websites that individually holds a small piece of the larger puzzle.
Furthermore, it is often the case where pivoting directly from an open source research report is unavailable and that it is sometimes difficult to remember if an indicator has alredy been reported and/or attributed. All these small but frustrating obstacles distract an analyst from what they do best: analyse.
We are a group of people from various parts of the world, who like to experiment with computers. We hope that we can provide some information back to the public and support the ongoing process of learning. Our group is involved in various research and projects such as Hardware Hacking, BackTrack, Exploit Development, Online Information Security Training, and various other aspects of network security.
sebsauvage.net est le site "perso" d'un internaute qui travaille dans l'informatique.
On y trouve:
Ses coups de gueule.
Des explications sur l'informatique.
Une sélection de logiciels.
Des conseils pour sécuriser votre ordinateur.
Diverses autres choses: programmation Python, un logiciel qui créé des images (webGobbler), des instructions pour créer gratuitement des PDF, etc.
Kaggle has a huge community of data scientists who come to compete in machine learning competitions. In our next chapter, we're building a platform that allows data scientists to share and collaborate as well as compete. We need your help.
Welcome to the 'Scan of the Month' challenge. The purpose of these challenges are to help the security community develop the forensic and analysis skills to decode real attacks. It can be difficult finding real attacks that you can analyze and share your results with the community. These challenges address that problem. This is done by taking attacks we have captured in the wild and challenging the security community to decode them. Unfortunately, due to resource limitations, we can no longer provide a new challenge every month.
One of the many wonderful aspects about cosplay is that you can create something awesome from an item as mundane as a bottle cap. Well, several of them. Josh used 3,284 beer caps to construct a suit of armor and became the Capped Crusader.
Discover 180+ French startups leveraging AI in a variety of applications
We believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) will usher the next revolution in technology and accelerate the disruptions in almost every industry.
FRANCE IS AI mission is to support and promote the French Artificial Intelligence ecosystem both locally and internationally, while building bridges with the other AI hubs.
A curated list of movies every hacker & cyberpunk must watch.
LibreTaxi makes ridesharing affordable by getting rid of the third party between passengers and drivers. Negotiate the price before the ride is confirmed, pay cash upon arrival. 1-minute hiring for all drivers.
New to the command-line world? Or just a little rusty? Or perhaps you can't always remember the arguments to lsof, or tar? Surely people could benefit from simplified man pages focused on practical examples.
"CERT" is a registered trademark owned by Carnegie Mellon University. Computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs) that share our commitment to improving the security of networks connected to the internet may apply for authorization to use the "CERT" mark in their names.
The following CSIRTs have been approved to use "CERT."
HAL is an open archive where authors can deposit scholarly documents from all academic fields.
For the attention of the authors
The deposit must be made in agreement with the co-authors and in the respect for the policy of the publishers.
The deposit is subject of a control, HAL reserves the right to refuse items that do not meet the criteria of the archive.
Any deposit is definitive, no withdrawals will be made after the on-line posting of the publication.
Text files in pdf format or image files are sent to CINES for long-term archiving.
For the attention of the readers
In a context of electronic distribution, every author keep all its intellectual property rights.
SixXS (Six Access) is a free, non-profit, non-cost service for Local Internet Registries (LIR's) and endusers. The main target is to create a common portal to help company engineers find their way with IPv6 networks deploying IPv6 to their customers in a rapid and controllable fashion. To reach these targets we are providing a whitelabel IPv6 Tunnel Broker and Ghost Route Hunter, an IPv6 route monitoring tool and various other services to help out where needed.
NVD is the U.S. government repository of standards based vulnerability management data. This data enables automation of vulnerability management, security measurement, and compliance. NVD includes databases of security checklists, security related software flaws, misconfigurations, product names, and impact metrics.
NVD is a product of the NIST Computer Security Division, Information Technology Laboratory and is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security’s National Cyber Security Division.
At its core, the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE™) is a list of software weaknesses types. Creating the list is a community initiative aimed at creating specific and succinct definitions for each common weakness type. By leveraging the widest possible group of interests and talents, the hope is to ensure that item in the list is adequately described and differentiated.he community using this information.