172 private links
Hello There!
I'm MrCeri, a software developer from Cardiff, UK.
This is my website where I share the free software that I build, and ramble about my geeky interests on my blog.
find out more...
The algorithm of the week is a Markov Chain. Using this technique you leverage a little bit of probability to do some light machine learning. In this case, input a song and have the computer create an original work based off the patterns you’ve taught it.
Je suis un type de 27 ans et je fais des trucs.
Des fois ça marche, des fois ça marche pas.
Artiste malgré moi, passionné et ouvert. Probablement sociopathe (c'est pas moi qui le dit).
This website is maintained by Vladan SEGET. I’m working in the IT industry as an Independent consultant and blogger, based at Reunion Island (Fr).
The ESX Virtualization website is one of the Top Virtualization blogs with daily updates. Virtualization of Physical systems, disaster recovery scenarios with fast backups and recovery. Those are the daily challenges I’m working on…
My name is Essa Alkuwari. I'm from Qatar. I rarely write in here. I play CTFs with DefConUA.
Currently studying BSCS in the U.S. and certified in the following courses: OSCE, OSCP, OSWP, Linux+, LPIC-{1,2}, Novell CLA, Novell DCTS, ..., and some other shit certs I can't even remember.
Some contributions I’ve made to the community include the Brainpan challenges, and handful of exploits. I also participate in CTF events as a member of the VulnHub CTF Team.
Computer Security, Incident Response, Forensics, Malware and Cybercrime
This Website Contains Information On IT Security Inclusive Are Standards/Policies/Procedures/Advisories/Exploits/Vulns/Countermeasures/ reverse engineering/Privacy Etc., , Risk Analysis & Governance Spanning Multiple Industries, And Finally Research Papers Written By Myself or others On A Multitude Of Subjects.. Enter a search and you shall find almost any topic on security.
Collin R. Mulliner personal, weblog and my security research
Bluetooth Security and other Stuff
PalmOS Software
J2ME Games
Maemo (Nokia 770, N800, N810)
Windows Mobile / PocketPC Security Research
NFC Security Research
Symbian OS Security Research
iPhone Security Research
Android Stuff and Security Research
I am (Subin Siby) a programmer who loves coding. My favorite programming languages are Python and PHP mostly because it's simple and powerful.
Je suis x0r (prononcez « gzaure »), jeune ingénieur passionné d'informatique, de photographie et de trains. Je suis une personne naturellement curieuse et qui prends plaisir à toucher à tout ce qui me passe sous les mains.
JoMendes, amateur de mathématiques et d’hexadécimal, s’intéresse de près ou de loin suivant son niveau à tous les sujets de sécurité de l’information.
I'm Loick Michard, a french software developer. Here are my projects.
My favorite fields are algorithmic, computer graphics and AI.
- C#
- DevScreen
- Ludum Dare
- Unity