172 private links
Wolfram hat zwei neue Mitbewohner: Ork Ogrosch und Elfe Reena. Eben noch online, jetzt in der WG.
This reference provides the following API documentation for send and receiver applications.
Robert Downey Jr. hosts a brand new YouTube Originals series - The Age of A.I. Discover the most innovative and leading technologies that will change the world forever.
Une société a fait appel à une autre société pour réaliser un projet. Dessiner 7 lignes rouges perpendiculaires. Elles font une réunion pour finaliser les derniers points. Le chef de projet est venu avec son expert...
Usual IT support stuff
Ce meetup a pour objectif de vous montrer en direct comment capturer et analyser vos premiers malwares, de la mise en place d'un pot de miel (honeypot) jusqu'à l'identification du serveur de contrôle.
Do Not Track est une série documentaire personnalisée
consacrée à la vie privée et à l'économie du Web.
Vertical Video Syndrome
Operational and technical headquarters was set up to locate large-scale cyber threats by the National Police of Ukraine and the Security Service of Ukraine. It includes representatives of the most famous Ukrainian and foreign cyber security companies. According to these facts, the pre-trial investigation was initiated by the National Police of Ukraine.
Comment: Yaroslav Trakalo, spokesman for the National Police of Ukraine
Коментар: Ярослав Тракало, речник Національної поліції України
This video show how to developp a complete application within Qradar using the new Qradar Application Editor
Aujourd'hui, 247 milliards de mails transitent chaque jour par la toile. Quelle énergie le permet ? Propre en apparence, le monde virtuel est en réalité aussi .
Netflix doesn’t publish a list of all those genres, so we’ve done the hard work and created the world’s largest list of Netflix genres with over 27,002 genres. You can see the full list below, and you can filter it according to genre, description and decade. Click on the link for any genre to open it in Netflix, right in your browser. (For instance, “Biographical 20th Century Period Pieces About Fame” is genre 77456.)
David Sharpe from GE-CIRT. So, mature CIRTs are supposed to have people hunting for APT, right? Don’t have a hunt team yet? Don’t know what to hunt for, or how or where to hunt? You are not alone. This talk will cover a range of effective and practical techniques that have worked over the years for finding targeted intrusions.
Hackmiami Conference 2016
Continuing TinyNuke Explained - part I, we review the available features of TinyNuke through the control panel, deploy a bot to our client machine, and perform attacks against our client.
In this video we review the setup requirements for installing and deploying TinyNuke.
Presentation video: Reverse-engineering CPUs for fun and profit
Imagine a world where governments compete for your citizenships. Bitcoin and Blockchain expert Toni Lane Casserly explains how this technology could anoint people over institutions.
Warren Miller's film crews capture some fun "Old School" footage of a one of a kind handstand skier.